The AAS-38 targeting FLIR unit, mounted on the port fuselage (Station 4), provides real-time thermal imagery which is displayed in the cockpit and on the HUD. The FLIR can be fully integrated with the other avionics of the F/A-18 and data from it can be used in the calculation of weapons release solutions. It also is capable of laser designation for laser-guided munitions delivery. The only four of these available during the Gulf War were used by VMFA(AW)-121. The improved AAS-38A was cleared for Fleet service on Hornet-C/Ds in January 1993. It is officially referred to as the laser target designator/rangefinder (LTD/R).
4.5.2 AAR-50 NAVFLIR
The AAR-50 NAVFLIR is usually associated with night attack Hornets. It is a fixed FLIR with no designation capability and, therefore, used only for night navigation purposes.